Day 365 -Well this is it. The last photo marking the end of another year of my life. It was quite a ride as I began as a new home owner back in MN. Then I decided to head across the world to East Africa. As I prepared for the journey I receive the tough news that my faithful companion of ten years was ill. I’m so happy I was able to say goodbye to my beloved Manitou and Day 117 was certainly one of the most memorable for me. Arriving in Africa I met some more great people that have been added to my collection of wonderful friends. We worked hard and proud for our country and during my time overseas I made it to Germany and the homeland of Italy where Day 256 turned out quite nice. I gave up color for Lent and and I always enjoy the challenge of working in black and white. I then returned back to America where I was at home for about 24 hours before getting in the KIA and hitting the road. Over 7,000 miles was traveled, starting with family and working my way around the Western United States seeing some old friends and meeting new ones. Grand Canyon, Vegas, Golden Gate, Portland, just to name a few. I finally settled in my new home of Tennessee.
So here I am staring off into the sunset just like the end of an old western movie with the exception of the horse, much to my dismay. I’ve learned a lot about myself this year, but have much more to learn. The one thing that really sticks out to me as I’ve grown a little older is that at in the end, all we have is our relationships and experiences. I’ve tried to live this year keeping that in mind and taking advantage of the experiences life has afforded me and seeing some of those that are important to me. I encourage you all to do something out of the ordinary in a strange place this year. Maybe you’ll get to bungee jump in Africa or just get to go zip lining a half hour from home.
To those who have looked at my photos, you motivated and often inspired me. Thank you for going on the journey with me and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. I leave you with the words of one of my favorite songs that resinates with me a lot.
“And at the risk of wearing out my welcome
At the risk of self-discovery
I’ll take every moment
And every minute that you’ll give me”
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