Author Archive | jonathan

Day 239

Day 239 -Some of the guys brought me this giraffe back from a trip to Uganda.  He sits atop my desk looking over some of the other animals. -APRIL 2

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Day 237

Day 237 -A few years ago I went to journalism school for the military.  There I met Airman Basic Rachael “Marti” Martinez.  She was a crazy mess.  Over the last couple of months we reunited in Africa and she’s turned into to a fine troop, and today she got promoted to Staff Sergeant.  Congrats Marti. […]

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Day 236

Day 236 -But it feel so right.  Those who are close to me know how dependent I am on my headphones.  It’s scary walking miles a day with only my thoughts. -April 29

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Day 235

Day 235 -Pirate Jonny is back at the sails again, but there was no sea.  Today was another adventure as I went out to the Grand Bara desert for land sailing.  It was a really neat experience.  Lesson of the day.  Experience life because in the end it’s those experiences will be all you have. […]

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Day 234

Day 234 -Had a great sunset and happen to be away from the fences, walls, and barbed wire.  You gotta take advantage of it when you can. -APRIL 27

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Day 233

Day 233 -This is where I eat almost all of my meals.  Trying out wide angle lens and it was fun.  You always know what day it is, by what’s for dinner. -APRIL 26

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Day 232

Day 232 -Someone said there was going to be a partial lunar eclipse, so naturally it seems like a worth while photo.  Plus I knew one of my youngest fans would really like it.  So this one’s for them. -APRIL 25

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Day 231

Day 231 -Patrick McAloon of the Pat Mcgee band plays one of my favorite instruments the mandolin.  Always great when we get some live music. -APRIL 23

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Day 230

Day 230 -Today I got to go to real life grocery store.  For someone who likes to cook, it was somewhat depressing.  Anyway they had these sacks with spices and grain that I found facinating. -APRIL 23

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.