Author Archive | jonathan

Day 229

Day 229 -After yesterday’s trip to the salt lake, I thought a picture of salt would be appropriate.  I tried to get creative with the macro, tupperware,  remote flash, and a black sock.  However it was the processing that made the photo unique. -APRIL 22

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Day 228

Day 228 -Today was an adventure to the lowest point in Africa, Lake Assal.  It’s also the saltiest body of water on the planet with the exception of some place in Antarctica.  You can’t sink no matter how hard you try.  You just sit back and the salt makes it like a recliner.  It was […]

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Day 226

Day 226 -Could you resist a model like this.  Some great people hosted a chapel group over for a time of relaxation and food.  Their adorable daughter was too cute to pass up.  The dog was a close second. -APRIL 19

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Day 225

Day 225 -Out to dinner and the reflections were the thing that caught my eye.  It was a good night.  Oh and see that guy sitting back there?  He’s what the writers of 24 had in mind when they were thinking up Jack Bauer. -April 18

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Day 224

Day 224 -Well she you are taking in your laundry with your camera and the gals ask to have their picture taken, you take it.  This one is dedicated to Johara and Saida for doing such a great job with my laundry. -APRIL 17

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Day 222 -Another big thanx to Tom and Jenn Pott for the gloves and balls.  It is a huge stress relief a few min a day to get out have a catch.  I also set up the newest addition to my bag, a GoPro.  Thanks to the time-lapse feature I had a 140 images to […]

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Day 221 -Guess who got CPR certified this morning?  Well besides this guy.  It was actually a lot better course than I expected and now if someone has an emergency situation, and I have my gloves, first-aid kit, mouth filter, and can find their belly-button, then they should live to see another day. -APRIL 14

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Day 220

Day 220 -Got out to dinner and found something I haven’t seen since life on the island.  This one goes out to the one and only Anna Banana.  She knows why. -APRIL 13

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.