Author Archive | jonathan

Day 169

Day 169 -This is my new hat, which is much more comfortable and cool than the normal one.  Actually this is my back up photo, because my first choice didn’t turn out quite right. -FEBRUARY 21

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Day 168

Day 168 -Stopped to grab a view of the bunker outside my my room.  Thankfully we haven’t had to use them, but a cement tunnel always looks good and black and white. -FEBRUARY 20

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Day 167

Day 167 -A night of shuffle board at the recreation club.  My buddy Jon LaDue was kind enough to pose for the photo.  However, don’t let his good form fool you.  If you’re just joining us, I gave up color for Lent. -FEBRUARY 19

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Day 166

Day 166 -“I like turtles!”  Just hanging out with some reptiles here in Africa.  It was a tough day to choose from since there were lots of good pictures. -February 18

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Day 165

Day 165 -This is a rare sight here for me, and better yet they were friends from home.  So I got to play with kids and see my friends.  It was a great day. -FEBRUARY 15

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Day 163

Day 163 -So I’ve been wanting to do a photo of the moon for quite some time and the night has finally come.  When I changed it to black and white, I couldn’t tell the difference.  So when you look at the moon tonight, know that I already saw the same one half way across […]

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Day 162

Day 162 -Out in town today and just thought this these guys were interesting.  Reminds me of what some of you know as a reggae bus. Knock, knock, it’s your stop. -FEBRUARY 14

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Day 161

Day 161 -Since I’m a Protestant today was the first time I participated in Ash Wednesday.  I kept up during mass and everything.  Nate and Michelle would be proud.  Devotees of the original daily photo two years ago might remember that I gave up color for Lent.  This year will be no different.  Peace be […]

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Day 142

Day 142-This had to be cleared for release but it was worth the wait.  We got a new helicopter squadron that arrived.  There were three of them scrunched in there.  Pretty cool huh? -JANUARY 25

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.