Day 109 -To me Christmas involves pasta and meatballs. Had some old friends over for one last sauce party. On a side note kids, even though it’s called puppy chow, it should not be left in the dog’s kennel. DECEMBER 23

Day 109 -To me Christmas involves pasta and meatballs. Had some old friends over for one last sauce party. On a side note kids, even though it’s called puppy chow, it should not be left in the dog’s kennel. DECEMBER 23
Day 108 -Downtown St Paul looks great this time of year. All that’s missing is the snow falling. -DECEMBER 22
Day 107 -The old man put on the original prototype of the Santa hat we had commissioned. He loves Christmas just as much as I do. -DECEMBER 21
Day 106 -It wouldn’t be Christmas without some shopping. What better place than the Mall of America. I still like going here especially with kids, however not so lucky today. -DECEMBER 20
Day 105 -I call this one Homer Grizwald. -DECEMBER 19
Day 104 -Success! Got some hooks for the bulbs. -DECEMBER 18
Day 103 -Well it’s year two of Jonathan vs. Christmas. I finally got around to decorating and put all my lights on the tree, plugged them in and of course the didn’t work. Tried another batch and they didn’t work. Went to the store to buy lights and couldn’t find them. Of course Target did […]
Day 102 -A little guy had his first birthday party and with that always comes cake. It was thoroughly enjoyed. -DECEMBER 16
Day 101 -You can’t really tell but it was a snowy drive home. I was just playing around with the camera on my dash, and got this. The beauty of highway signs and street lights being passed at 60 mph. -DECEMBER 15
Day 100 -This is the second time around of doing the Photo-a-day and the second time I forgot to observe the milestone of photo 100. Never the less I captured the prairie of Kansas. -DECEMBER 14