Day 266 -Today is about texture. A great photographic tool. -MAY 29

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 266 -Today is about texture. A great photographic tool. -MAY 29
Day 265 -While walking to my room today we were discussing how we were when we first got to Africa. Everything was new and strange. I looked down, saw our shadows, and said, “Now it’s just life.” I don’t know what it means but it seemed pretty deep. -MAY 28
Day 264 -In 2010 I had the honor of deploying to the Air Force Mortuary where I documented the return of more than 160 service members that made the ultimate sacrifice. After I completed each ceremony, I would write the names down in my journal as a reminder. It was there I learned the true […]
“Day 262 -“It’s the things that you never get over build the character of a man.” -MAY 25
Day 263 -There was a party going on over beyond the palm tree. A relaxing day for me, before a busy night and following day. -MAY 26
Day 261 -Thought this was an interesting angle with the wide angle. Helicopters are just cool. I’ve always wanted wished I could have been a pilot. -MAY 24
Day 259 -Out today looking for a place to film our news cast and grabbed this photo of my buddy Turbo walking across a land bridge to an island. It is one of those beautiful places most people don’t know about. -MAY 22
Day 258 -The final approach into DJibouti. Africa is quite a different than Italy to say the least. It was over 100 and let’s just say the standards in airport restrooms aren’t quite the same. Aren’t you glad I didn’t post that photo? -MAY 21
Day 257 -My last day in Rome and I had something picked out. However, when I got to the fountain it was being emptied and cleaned. So I picked something generically Italy. What a great time I had. -MAY 20
Day 256 -I was walking by during the day with the beautiful skies and new sunset would be worth the trip back. This one goes out to my tiny friend Lynh since it was somewhat of request. -MAY 19