Day 255 -A papal guard observing his guards just outside of St. Pater’s Basilica. -MAY 18

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 255 -A papal guard observing his guards just outside of St. Pater’s Basilica. -MAY 18
Day 254 -Italy has always topped my list of places I wanted to go to, and it finally became a reality. So many to choose from today, but I had to go with St. Peter’s Square, to start things off. What a beautiful place with so much going on. -MAY 17
Day 253 -We were out high on a hilltop when we say a C130 make a couple of passes and each time a bunch of people were jumping out during a training mission. It was pretty cool. -MAY 16
Day 252 -Braidyn Scheich to the rescue. A fine girl scout sent me these cookies today and I can’t tell you how excited I am. I didn’t share them with anyone. Thanks for the morale boost Braidyn. -MAY 15
Day 250 -This truck thing was driving around with my dog’s name on. I sure do miss him. -MAY 13
Day 249 -Had some visitors again for lunch and someone likes ice cream. It was described by a co-worker as “disgusting and adorable” I think it’s very cute. -MAY 12
Day 248 -This was a big day for me as I embarked on aerial photography. One of those little specs down there is me and I was still able to take this photo. It was quite exciting. More to come in the later months. -MAY 11
Day 247 -This may just be ordinary homemade cookies to you, but this was the end of a fantastic night. I made these cookies from scratch in a kitchen! After I cooked dinner for friends and members of my office. It’s been so long since I have cooked. I also had to grocery shop yesterday […]
Day 246 -Out at dinner and someone picked these flowers off the tree. Then I was told I needed to photograph them. I do like requests. Anyone have any? -MAY 9
Day 245 -A grasshopper from District 9 decided to visit the office today. It’s always nice when a photo just lands in your lap. And as with any bug photo I take, this was goes out to Joe. -MAY 8