Day 224 -Well she you are taking in your laundry with your camera and the gals ask to have their picture taken, you take it. This one is dedicated to Johara and Saida for doing such a great job with my laundry. -APRIL 17

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 224 -Well she you are taking in your laundry with your camera and the gals ask to have their picture taken, you take it. This one is dedicated to Johara and Saida for doing such a great job with my laundry. -APRIL 17
Day 223 -Working a late day but had a break and you can never go wrong with a helicopter and a sunset. -APRIL 16
Day 222 -Another big thanx to Tom and Jenn Pott for the gloves and balls. It is a huge stress relief a few min a day to get out have a catch. I also set up the newest addition to my bag, a GoPro. Thanks to the time-lapse feature I had a 140 images to […]
Day 221 -Guess who got CPR certified this morning? Well besides this guy. It was actually a lot better course than I expected and now if someone has an emergency situation, and I have my gloves, first-aid kit, mouth filter, and can find their belly-button, then they should live to see another day. -APRIL 14
Day 220 -Got out to dinner and found something I haven’t seen since life on the island. This one goes out to the one and only Anna Banana. She knows why. -APRIL 13
Day 219 -This is the Air Force Hard Charger Award. Every month it is presented to an outstanding office for their work. Our Public Affairs shop received it in March and we left our mark on it. Today we have to give it up, so it needed to be photographed. We were very honored to […]
Day 218 -This truck was sitting outside and full of these… things. I don’t know what they are, but were they caught my eye. -APRIL 11
Day 217 -Driving down the road and noticed the Power Cow. It sounds like a radio station. Imagine a guy with a deep voice (not mine) saying 98.3 the POWER COW. -APRIL 10
Day 216 -Just the other week someone was telling me about these and then I got one today. So I grabbed the macro lens and played with some creative lighting and ended up with this. Any guesses? -APRIL 9
Day 215 -Got a letter from an old friend. It was nostalgic because she wrote me all the time 18 years ago when I was in basic training. Probably because she knew her boyfriend now husband wouldn’t write. It was especially timely that the letter arrived today on her birthday. Happy Birthday JJ, you’re the […]