Day 204 -The moon sets in the early morning as I made my way to work today. If you were lucky you saw the front side of this building early this week, before it was put on hold for release. -MARCH 28

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 204 -The moon sets in the early morning as I made my way to work today. If you were lucky you saw the front side of this building early this week, before it was put on hold for release. -MARCH 28
Day 203 -Most of the water from the flood has gone away and the mud is drying up and made for an interesting shop as the sun was coming up. So much so, that I saw it on my way back from the shower and had to come back with my camera. I’m usually not […]
Day 202 -Today’s photo features the one and only MC2 Cody Boyd, Africa’s greatest Navy broadcaster. He just wrapped up shooting our office doing something fun. He’s a constant source of awesomeness and I’m really only featuring him in hopes that I can stay on his Facebook friends list after we go our separate ways. […]
We were asked to take flood photos down until further notice. You can at least read the caption for now though. Day 201 -It rained today. I know I said it rained two days ago, but today it RAINED. A good old fashioned downpour. Turns out really hard dirt ground does not react well to […]
Day 200 -Well we’ve reached 200 photos, and so far so good. Only 165 left. -MARCH 24
Day 199 -I walked outside mid morning to find, what we call in Africa, a significant amount of precipitation. On my way to the shower earlier I felt a mist for about 15 seconds. I would describe my emotion similar to that of a heavy snowfall on a Christmas day. I just looked to the […]
Day 198 -Shopping addiction is a real problem. This is not the first time my boss has had several boxes of stuff she ordered for herself show up. Today’s hall was an iPad mini, face wipes, and probably other girly stuff. I was joking the other day when I pulled a “colonel” when I went […]
Day 197 -If you’re new to the daily photo, I have given up color for Lent. I got some great software by Nik that helps with black and white processing. I had a photo picked out and I just figured I’d try this one for the heck of it. Once changed over it really came […]
Day 196 -The French have a base not too far away and some of their troops were here today. I thought their berets were interesting and when will I have another chance to photograph some French troops. So merci boys. -MARCH 20
Day 195 -This one is titled, “ride back to my clu.” I just used a 3 sec exposure set it on the Ranger as I drove the 5mph speed limit. I can be abstract. It was either this or the bathroom. It’s coming sooner or later. -MARCH 19.