Day 123 -So between not doing much except trying to adjust and pictures of things on bases are kind of sensitive, I ended up with this flower. When in doubt, go with a flower. -JANUARY 6

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 123 -So between not doing much except trying to adjust and pictures of things on bases are kind of sensitive, I ended up with this flower. When in doubt, go with a flower. -JANUARY 6
Day 122 -Well this would mean a lot more to me if I were a coffee drinker. I woke up early since I couldn’t sleep and did some work at the cafe here. Please don’t let this little amenity fool you that Africa is just like home. However it is nice. -JANUARY 5
Day 121 -As we say in the business, “boots on the ground.” -JANUARY 4
Day 120 -Buongiorno, from the homeland of Italy. Sigonella, Sicily to be exact. Unfortunately this old ox cart was the most interesting thing I saw during my brief stay. -JANUARY 3
Day 119 -My last look at my beloved America for a while. Ran it through a treatment and like this one quite a bit. -JANUARY 2
Day 118 -Started the new year by packing and heading out. O’hare wasn’t as busy as expected today. The photo-a-day is going to get exciting real soon. -JANUARY 1
Day 117 -I’ve said a lot of goodbyes this past week, and I’ve said a lot of them over the past few years, but today I had to say the goodbye I’ve dreaded for the past ten years. My dog has been by my side almost his entire life. He’s lived in two countries, four […]
Day 116 -We didn’t quite walk off into a sunset, but it was a nice walk none the less. Me and Manitou -DECEMBER 30
Day 115 -Excuse me, Do you happen to have a treat for me? -DECEMBER 29
Day 114 -Earlier this week Manny and I went to take a photo and realized there was no memory card. Well tonight, we double checked. This one was inspired by a song. “I wish I had a river so long I would teach my feet to fly.” -DECEMBER 28