Day 052 -Just hanging out with some friends tonight and this is what I came up with. I thought it was an interesting perspective. -OCTOBER 27

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.
Day 052 -Just hanging out with some friends tonight and this is what I came up with. I thought it was an interesting perspective. -OCTOBER 27
Day 051 -Samwise is ready for to go trick-or-treating tomorrow. Frodo couldn’t make it, but he’s got the next best things. -OCTOBER 26
Day 050 -Over the past couple few years I’ve become a huge fan of this man, Mr. Joshua Radin. I was lucky enough to use my photo project as a means to score a photo pass for the show. Thanks Josh, you rocked…well whisper rocked. -OCTOBER 25
Day 049 -Had a wonderful night celebrating my niece Hannah’s birthday. She seemed to enjoy the piece of chocolate cake, despite there being no M&Ms on it. Happy Birthday Hannah! -OCTOBER 25
Day 048 -It was a gloomy day here, in more ways than one. Thankfully, I got to watch some kids. which always brightens my day. -OCTOBER 23
Day 047 -This rock wall caught my eye and reminded me how we need to set up barriers to protect us and the ones we care about. -OCTOBER 22
Day 046 -It was a day of painting with the paint I bought three months ago. My friend Scott has always been there to help me move, fix things, and make me laugh. Today was no exception, so I thought it was only fitting to dedicate today to him. Thanks buddy for all your help. […]
Day 045 -Went to a pumpkin walk or something like that . Reminded me of the old Witch Walk back home at Boardman Park. I went specific for the photo opp, so I hope you like it since it cost me $7. -OCTOBER 20
Day 043 -Had to run an errand in Minneapolis after work and snapped a photo of the light rail cruising by. For some of the fans that have known me a long time, you may recognize my old work place in the background. -OCTOBER 18
Day 042 -Manny and I both are proud to where the blue of the Air Force. Special thanks to my dad who took the time to get the nametape on the collar. -OCTOBER 17