Archive | Daily Photo

Starting on Sept 6, I began doing a photo-a-day. The only rule is that it was taken that day. Enjoy.

Day 031

Day 031 -Have you ever had some much going on in your head, you just try to out run it?  It was one of those days.  However, it was a good way to clear my head, and I got to enjoy the old neighborhood. -OCTOBER 6

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Day 030

Day 030 -A gorgeous morning as I drove into work today.  I couldn’t beat this view.  This one is also dedicated to my #1 fan who celebrated a birthday yesterday.  Hope you had a great day. -OCTOBER 5

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Day 029

Day 029 -Today was definitely a highlight.  My best friend Rev. Rick Santiago was asked to speak at his alma mater North Central University during their chapel.  So this one is dedicated to him.  I couldn’t ask for a better friend. -OCTOBER 4

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Day 028

Day 028 -I’ve been doing some decorating around the house, so I thought I’d capture my new centerpiece.  My new candles always remind me of good nights. -OCTOBER 3

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Day 027

Day 027 -I was encouraged to avoid a nap and take Manny on a long walk and take a picture.  So this is what I got.  I hope I made you happy. -OCTOBER 2

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Day 026

Day 026 -Went for a walk in the woods with Manny to take advantage of the moonlight.  It was a little spooky when we heard something walking around.  Anyway hope you like my few minute exposure. -OCTOBER 1

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Day 025

Day 025 -Abstract anyone?  Snapped this driving home going through the big city.  Played with some settings and found it pretty interesting. -SEPTEMBER 30

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.