Day 177 -Last time I did a daily photo project I also gave up color for Lent and broke the rule once. I felt it in only appropriate to do it for this one. Today would have been Manny’s 11th birthday, and I remembered. It seemed like every year it would come up and I would forget that day. Last year we had a small party, but that might have been the only time. I sure do miss him and he will never be forgotten. It’s funny how attached I got to a dog, but then again he was with me through most of the big things in my life. Most importantly he was there when I needed him most, getting me through the toughest part. I’m so thankful I got to say a proper goodbye. I brought his collar with me and in honor of his day I remembered to put it up next to my desk. He traveled the world and was loved by many. Check out Manny’s life in this slideshow. I miss you buddy. -MARCH 1.
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