Day 010 -It was a hectic day of doing some photo shoots for families etc. So hectic I didn’t really take a photo for the project. So this one one of my favorite Minnesotans pretending to be a super model. She’s such a little ham. September 25, 2016)

Day 010 -It was a hectic day of doing some photo shoots for families etc. So hectic I didn’t really take a photo for the project. So this one one of my favorite Minnesotans pretending to be a super model. She’s such a little ham. September 25, 2016)
Christmas Day 12 -My favorite indoor space in NYC. For almost a year a had two hour commute and the only thing good about it was coming home to this building. It’s a special place for sure. -DECEMBER 27
Day 334 -What an amazing place. 17 miles in two days. A majority of it up hill. Worth every aching muscle. I could have never done it without my close friend Jon LaDue. Thanx buddy for getting me to the top. -AUGUST 5
Day 206 -Out for dinner and relaxing outside under a cabana. These arches were interesting to me, but a little bit of challenge without a tripod and the lens on my camera. However, it worked out great in the end. Lent is now over and tomorrow we’re back to color. -MARCH 30
Day 205 – “See from his head, his hands, his feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down Did ever such love and sorrow meet Or thorns compose so rich a crown” -MARCH 29 GOOD FRIDAY
Day 203 -Most of the water from the flood has gone away and the mud is drying up and made for an interesting shop as the sun was coming up. So much so, that I saw it on my way back from the shower and had to come back with my camera. I’m usually not […]
Day 197 -If you’re new to the daily photo, I have given up color for Lent. I got some great software by Nik that helps with black and white processing. I had a photo picked out and I just figured I’d try this one for the heck of it. Once changed over it really came […]
Day 189 -Had a great treat is seeing Darius Rucker here on base for a concert. It has been a while, about 18 years by my count since I last saw him. This one goes out to Jon and JJ. And yes he sang some Hottie songs. Thanks for a great show and great photo […]
Day 188 -Well my hat is still recovering from last Friday’s desert experience. It was used for a tripod on the ground for my video camera, almost as much it was worn on my head. -MARCH 12
Day 187 -I actually took this photo about a week ago, but the day got taken by something else. So I took the shot again of a tractor tire through a fence. It was interesting to me. -MARCH 11