Tag Archives | bottle

Day 339

Day 339 -At the Bite of Portland and was taking some photos in the wine area.  I’m not much of a wine fan, but they sure do make for some nice photos.  I I love the reflections in this photo, and a special thanks to Maria and Freddie for being such great hosts. -AUGUST 10

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Day 287

Day 287 -So it was somewhat of a dare to photograph the water bottle for today’s photo, so I tried to get creative.  It’s a little a camel my roommate brought me back from Dubai.  Also I won’t tell you who, but the bottle has DNA from a former American Idol. -JUNE 19

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Day 225

Day 225 -Out to dinner and the reflections were the thing that caught my eye.  It was a good night.  Oh and see that guy sitting back there?  He’s what the writers of 24 had in mind when they were thinking up Jack Bauer. -April 18

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Day 128

Day 128 -As an advertising professional, I love how you know exactly why this is, even if you can’t read it.  That’s called branding people.  Plus there’s nothing like a cold Coca-Cola after a hot day. -JANUARY 11

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I am JOYO or Jonathan Young -- a photographer, videographer, adventurer, and man about town. With a background in advertising and marketing, my skills lend towards commercial work, but I’ll do anything that involves imagery. anything that involves imagery.