Day 062- Well I won’t lie, I forgot to take a photo today. But it’s my project, so I can bring you this photo I took last year of a train speeding by. I’m not sure many people are seeing these photos anyway. (November 16, 2016)

Day 062- Well I won’t lie, I forgot to take a photo today. But it’s my project, so I can bring you this photo I took last year of a train speeding by. I’m not sure many people are seeing these photos anyway. (November 16, 2016)
Day 019 -Well I lasted nineteen days until I photographed one of my favorite things. It’s hard to find any unique angles that haven’t been done before, but who cares. This project is about what I like. This one goes out to Mom #2, one of my biggest supporters. Happy Birthday! (October 4, 2016)
Day 353 -I was listening to an audio book on the road today and heard the following quote, “Going to the mountains is going home.” Part of me has always felt that way. I thought it was only fitting as I completed my road trip and arrived at my new home in Knoxville. -AUGUST 24
Day 342 -It’s good to be back. -AUGUST 13
Day 236 -But it feel so right. Those who are close to me know how dependent I am on my headphones. It’s scary walking miles a day with only my thoughts. -April 29
Day 217 -Driving down the road and noticed the Power Cow. It sounds like a radio station. Imagine a guy with a deep voice (not mine) saying 98.3 the POWER COW. -APRIL 10
Day 136 -Here’s the sign to my office and it always remind me of MASH. However, no luck on getting a still in the tent. -JANUARY 19
Day 086 -As I crossed the state line I had to stop for a photo opp. My TX friends would often say I would fit right in here. We’ll see about that. -NOVEMBER 30
Day 036 -Out on my lunch break I started taking some photos of leaves. Then I saw this sign that reminded me a little of my old home where my girlfriend Libby lives. I hope to see you soon baby.