Day 181 -Went back to the mountains and I saw white. I was so happy to finally see some snow. I was able to take a few other photos with the nice overcast light. (March 14, 2017)

Day 181 -Went back to the mountains and I saw white. I was so happy to finally see some snow. I was able to take a few other photos with the nice overcast light. (March 14, 2017)
Day 095 -Driving through the mountains and got excited to spot snow, only later to find out that it was frozen fog. None the less it was beautiful. (December 19, 2016)
Day 028 -Well I didn’t make it to the top of a mountain due to the events of Day 025. However we did take the scenic way back to Denver especially this one of Quandary Peak. What a beautiful state. (October 13, 2016)
Christmas Day 02 -Back in the old neighborhood and thought this captured Christmas and more importantly the snow coming down. What a great day. -DECEMBER 17
Day 116 -We didn’t quite walk off into a sunset, but it was a nice walk none the less. Me and Manitou -DECEMBER 30
Day 114 -Earlier this week Manny and I went to take a photo and realized there was no memory card. Well tonight, we double checked. This one was inspired by a song. “I wish I had a river so long I would teach my feet to fly.” -DECEMBER 28
Day 113 -Manny took a break from running around in the snow today and just plopped down. For some reason he looks like a seal to me in this photo. Anyway he’s praying for a big snowfall this weekend. He would appreciate it if you would pray too. -DECEMBER 27
Day 108 -Downtown St Paul looks great this time of year. All that’s missing is the snow falling. -DECEMBER 22
Day 078 -I was most thankful today for the snow that fell. Manny and I were super excited. Then the neighbor started putting up some Christmas lights. What a night. -NOVEMBER 22